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100 livros de terror, por Stephen King

Stephen King,  em 1981 lançou um ensaio sobre o horror na cultura americana em veículos de mídia como o rádio, o cinema e  a literatura. No final dessa obra, postou uma lista de 100 títulos que considera principais para entender e apreciar o estilo, e aqui vai ela (a lista está me inglês por que peguei a lista em inglês e não tive saco de traduzir/ não sei se alguns títulos vieram para o brasil)

richard adams - the plague dogs ; watership down
robert aickman = cold hand in min ; painted devils
marcel ayme = the walker through walls
baryl bainbridge = harriet said
j. g. ballard = concrete island ; high rise
charles beaumont = hunger ; the magic man
robert bloch = peasant dreams ; psycho
ray bradbury = dandelion wine ; somethin wicked this way comes ; the october country
joseph payne brennan = the shapes of midnight
frederic brown = nightmares and geezenstacks
edward bryant = among the dead
janel caird = the loch
ramsey campbell = demons by daylight ; the doll who ate his mother ; the parasite
suzy mckee charnas = the vampire tapestry
julio cortazar = the end of the game and other stories
harry crews = a feast of snakes
roald dahl = someone like you ; kiss kiss
les daniels = the black castle
stephen r. donaldson = the thomas covenant trilogy (3 vol.)
daphne du maurier = don´t look now
harlan ellison = deathbird stories ; strange wine
john farris = all heads turn when the hunt goes by
charles g. finney = the body snatchers ; i love galesburg in springtime ; the third level ; time and again
willian golding = lord of the flies
edward gorey = amphigorey ; amphigorey too
charles l. grant = the hour of the oxrun dead ; the sound of midnight
davis grubb = twelve tales of horror
william h. hallaham = the keeper of the children ; the search for joseph tully
james herbert = the frog ; the spear ; the survivor
william hjortsberg = falling angel
shirley jackson = the haunting of hill house ; the lottery and others ; the sundial
gerald kersh = men without bones
russell kirk = the princess of all lands
nigel kneale = tomato caine
william kotzwinkle = dr. rat
jerry kozinski = the painted bird
fritz leiber = our lady of darkness
ursula leguin = the lathe of heaven ; orsinian tales
ira levin = the stepford wives ; rosemary´s baby
john d. macdonald = the girl, the gold watch and everything
bernard malamud = the magic barrel ; the natural
robert marasco = burnt offerings
gabriel garcia marques = one hundred years of solitude
richard matheson = hell house ; i am legend ; shock II ; the shrinking man ; a stir of echoes
michael mcdowell = the amulet ; cold moon over babylon
ian mcewen = the cement garden
jhon metcalf = the feasting dead
iris murdoch = the unicorn
joyce carrot oates = nightside
flannery o´connor = a good man is hard to find
mervyn peakes = the gormenghast trilogy (3 volumes)
thomas pynchon = V
edogawa rampo = tales of mystery and imagination
jean gray = ghouls in my grave
anne rice = interview with the vampire
phillip roth = the breast
ray russell = sardonicus
joan samson = the auctioneer
william sansom = the collected stories of william sansom
sarban = ringstones ; the sound of his horn
anne rivers siddons =     the house next door
isaac bashevis singer = the seance and other stories
martin cruz smith = nightwing
peter straub = ghost story ; if you could see me now ; julia ; shadowland
theodore sturgeon = caviar ; the dreaming jewells ; some of your blood
thomas tessier = the nightwalker
paul theroux = the black house
thomas tryon = the other
les whitten = progeny of the adder
thomas willians = tsuga´s children
gahan wilson = i paint what i see
t. m. wright = strange seed
jhon wyndham = the chrysalids ; the day of the triffids

tive a chance de ler algumas obras e posso dizer que não concordo com todos os títulos (particularmente não gostei do ´´the body snatchers``), mas a dança macabra abriu meus olhos para vários autores ótimos, como ray bradbury.

A lista já está um pouco defasada, não cita Clive Barker, por exemplo... mas e aí quantos desses livros você já leu?


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